To start I can't spell tonight so sorry for all the miss spelled words. Ok, I want to make it so you can write a story and it saves to the host computer or if thats to hard so it saves to a web sever. I don't know how to do this so I am hoping somebody can help me and that i posted in the right forum this time. Thanks!
~ FiRe ~
Feb 22 2003, 7:42 pm
Feb 24 2003, 3:38 pm
<code>AddSomeTextToTheStory(msg as text) var/F=file("story.txt") F << msg</code>
The file "story.txt" will be stored in the current directory on the host's computer. Note that <code>msg</code> will BE ADDED to story.txt, rather than replacing it. If you want to clear story.txt, call <code>fdel("story.txt")</code>. |
In response to Crispy
I don't know what all that means but I got it to work right so thanks.