BYOND Version:507
Operating System:Windows 8 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
i dont mean to be the one to keep having to post issues with byond and the web client but here is another one, so i just used the web client for the first time, it worked, then i reload the page and now i keep getting a message saying that byond will not connect me to my game becase "i have advertising blocked" or "am blocking advertising"(which i am not, because I just joined with the web client and it WAS it is not, and this problem persists through verisons of web browers, internet explorer and i am using chrome, so here is another issue FYI the BYOND web client will not load in internet explorer 8 with "compatibility mode" enabled, the client will not even begin to load AND honestly this is what I am thinking, byond is having a problem with there adversting, because I am not having this problem on all of my devices, the byond web client will not load because the ads are not loading, BUT they did the first time, now they are not, this is very inconvenient..
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

Expected Results:

Actual Results:

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
In other games?
In other user accounts?
On other computers?

When does the problem NOT occur?

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)


and on top of that issue, within the web client, SOMETIMES when you use the "file" access feature, the web client will correctly access the file but leaves open a box as if you were still selecting the file with the buttons browse and cancel, but you cannot close this window
I'm having a little trouble following your report. All of that is one run-on sentence. Can you clarify exactly what you're seeing in the various browsers and when it started happening?

I can tell you that IE 8 wouldn't be expected to run the webclient; it is only intended for modern browsers, and IE 8 has far too many old IE-specific quirks to work. It might run on IE 10, but it has only been tested on IE 11.

If you have separate issues to report, those really belong in their own threads.
I am sorry, I was trying to say that I think there is an issue with the byond advertising before the webclient or when the webclient is loading, because the webclient loaded correctly and displayed the advertisement, THEN the next time I tried to use the webclient(I reloaded the page) I was presented with a message "advertisement cannot be displayed this could be due to an ad blocker or a technical issue contact byond support"

I do not have or use an ad blocker, plus it worked the last time I had tried it, so I was just just saying that I have reloaded the web client over and over again to see if this would change, the webclient loading and the message about the byond webclient not being able to display the advertisement and because of that the webclient will not continue to load the game

I was posting this because of that, and because this may be an issue with the byond webclient advertisement, and may have to be investigated or reviewed, so that it can be fixed so that this won't happen to other people, thanks.
The adblock check has been modified to include a timer to launch the game, just like the old no-Flash code used to do. This should deal with the problem till whatever's broken on our provider's end works again.