Feb 25 2003, 11:45 am
How can I get 1.0E06 to read 1000000?
Feb 25 2003, 11:50 am
In response to Hanns
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I need to have it display 1000000, but still keep it as a number.
In response to Swimmer4LifeH2O
thats what num2text() does.. it displays the entire number as text rather than scientifically notated(spelling?)
In response to Nick231
Yes, but it changes the numbers type to text, and I still need it as a number.
In response to Swimmer4LifeH2O
you dont actually have to change the variable,
usr <<"[num2text(1000000,100)] [1000000]" stick that somewhere and see what happens, you could also stick a var in place of the 1000000, and it would do the same thing.. num2text DOES NOT physically change the variable |