my game is giving me this in the debug and i can figure out what it means
Feb 27 2003, 4:22 pm
Feb 27 2003, 4:24 pm
It means on line 155 of the file, you had "CharacterList" where is expected the end of the statement.
In response to Garthor
ooo ok thx
In response to VegeanSX
it wont let me define this proc and ive done everything that i know how to do
button1 icon = 'coollogo_com_44493029.bmp' density = 1 Click() proc Login() usr.loc=locate(140,28,12) usr.move = 0 usr.sight = 0 spawn() ChooseCharacter() it wont let me define ChooseCharacter() |
In response to VegeanSX
proc/Login() is wrong. Login() is already defined, so you just need Login(). Actually, my bad, you do, because you're defining it for objects, or possibly turfs, which don't have it. Either way, it's doing nothing in the context you're using it in.
In response to VegeanSX
mob Login() //coding here and why is there an empty Click() |
In response to Koolguy900095
cuz its a button im defining for my opening screen