Mar 5 2003, 11:22 am
In some games it tells who is the host in the new online area. How do you go about doing that? I know it has nothing to do with the game coding.
Mar 5 2003, 11:23 am
what do you mean by "the new online area"?
In response to Magnus VI
As an example go here hub.cgi?qd=hubIndex;hub=3653;channel=5153 it tells who the host is
In response to Coolroman123
thats the world.status var.
the best way to show the host is to make it so when the first person that connects, (the host) is a var named host then make the game change world.status to something like world.status = "The host is []" you just need to figure out how to figureout whos the host, or u can change it in game. -magnus |
In response to Magnus VI
k thx
In response to Magnus VI
Magnus VI wrote:
you just need to figure out how to figureout whos the host One of the best ways to do this, is to check client.address. Since the host's address is always null, just go for something like;
if(!client.address) host = src.key
Put that under Login() or something of the sort. ~>Volte |