Mar 15 2003, 12:14 pm
what format do i make pictures that come out of paint? (gif, bmp, jpeg, etc..) i heard bmp was too big of a file.
Mar 15 2003, 12:33 pm
For pictures to be included in your game byond allows the use of dmi, bmp and png. bmp's and png's are essentially the same thing except png's are a lot smaller, making them the choice for images in a BYOND game.
In response to Nick231
Of course, you can always import .bmp files into a .dmi file format. If you keep the same icon_state naming, it will also stay multi-tiled when you place it on the map. Search for "import" on the forums.
In response to Nick231
how do i convert a bmp to a png or even create a png..??
In response to Siefer
Most decent image editors can save in PNG. (No, Paint isn't a decent image editor. =P )
I use Paint Shop Pro myself, but you do have to pay for it. I've heard good things about IrfanView, although I've never used it. For a free, full-featured image editor that can do just about anything, try The Gimp. Be forewarned, though, that the interface is damn hard to use. |