Hey it's me again. I am having some troubles with my inventory items showing up in the stat pannel as well as the inventory pannel. Here is the code I am using.

icon = 'swords.dmi'
icon_state = "Sabre"
set src in oview(1)
usr << "You pick up the [src]."
src.loc = usr.loc
usr << "You drop the [src]."

Thanks for your time.
*Some Guy Named Steve*
If your inventory is showing up in two panels, then why don't you show us your Stat() proc instead?
Instead of Move(usr) use:
src.loc = usr

That will put it in you contents which, more than likely, is where your statpanel is looking to see what you have.

sorry I mis-read your post.
In response to Jnco904
Uhh, Move(usr) is not only valid, but it is indeed more useful. That way, you can simply edit mob/Enter() to allow or disallow the picking up of items. Use Move(usr), not src.loc = usr.
In response to Garthor
Cool. Sorry, I assumed(yes that was wrong all by itself :)), when I misread that his current code was wrong, that if something wasn't working it must be the only thing that is different from my code.
In response to Jnco904
Okay. Here is the Stat() proc you requested.

stat("Name: ",name)
stat("Gender: ",gender)
stat("Level: ",level)

In response to Madcrackfiend
Madcrackfiend wrote:

These two lines are your problem. If you call statpanel() with two arguments, it doesn't actually change the current statpanel. So the first line displayed there is creating a new statpanel called "Inventory", and putting src's contents in it. The second line is then putting the contents into the PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED statpanel ("Info").

Just take out the last line and it should work.
In response to Crispy
That takes care of it, thanks.

Until next time.
*Some Guy Named Steve*