heres my overlay code,but says indentation wrong or something:

var/choice3 = input("What color hair do you want?") in list("Black","yellow","Bald")
if(choice3 == "Black")
usr.overlays += 'black_hair.dmi'
usr.sight = 0
usr << "Good Choice"
if(choice3 == "Bald")
usr << "Good choice"
usr.sight = 0
if(choice3 == "yellow")
usr.overlays += 'yellow hair.dmi'
usr << "good choice"
usr.sight =0
world << "[usr] is back among us!."
usr.loc = locate(20, 20, 1)
It looks like your "if" statements have an extra tab or three. Keep in mind tab depth is more than just whitespace in DM.

var/choice3 = input("What color hair do you want?") in list("Black","yellow","Bald")
if(choice3 == "Black")
usr.overlays += 'black_hair.dmi'
usr.sight = 0
usr << "Good Choice"
if(choice3 == "Bald")
usr << "Good choice"
usr.sight = 0
if(choice3 == "yellow")
usr.overlays += 'yellow hair.dmi'
usr << "good choice"
usr.sight =0
world << "[usr] is back among us!."
usr.loc = locate(20, 20, 1)
Try this:
var/choice3 = input("What color hair do you want?","Hair Color") in list("Black","Yellow","Bald")
usr.overlays += 'black_hair.dmi'
usr.sight = 0
usr << "Good Choice"
usr << "Good Choice"
usr.sight = 0
usr.overlays += 'yellow_hair.dmi'
usr << "Good Choice"
usr.sight = 0
world << "[usr] is back among us!."
usr.loc = locate(20, 20, 1)

The extra "" set I put in there, serves as a title for the popup box. Good luck to you.