if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_MENU) {
updateController(controller, button, true);
var e = $.Event("keydown", { keyCode: 32});
setTimeout(function(){ updateController(controller, button, false)}, 1000);
Problem description:
The web client iframe expects the spacebar key as input. I push menu button it shows the menu png for a moment then nothing- no input registered to the iframe.
I got a BYOND game to work on OUYA, I'm stuck, what do I need to route keyboard presses to simulate keyboard input? Shouldn't this work? I'm using the virtual controller example.
full link
Or maybe not. If this is being done outside of the iframe, that's gonna be tougher to handle. I don't know if you can generate events and have them trigger inside an iframe, at least not one with a different domain.