There were runtime errors when I tried loading my game in DS, prohibiting it from running that had to do with my client/New() things, so I deleted/moved the stuff in all 4 or 5 of the areas that it was in. Now I have more problems with gameplay.

1) The game won't call the AddGMVerbs() proc, so I have ne GM verbs

2) The choosing charactor is messed up. It automatically assumes you're creating a new character, so it asks you what you wanna name the charater. (This isn't really a problem, but I'm sure I'll have 5-6 people ask where thier person went because that's all that plays.)

If there are any more problems, I'll add them in a reply to this message. Thanks in advance if you can answer either/both of my questions. Thanks anyway for reading this.
Nobody can answer your questions unless you post some of the relevant code. Clairvoyance is a bit much to expect of us.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
*Garthor reads Lummox's mind*

He believes that none of us are psychic. The fool!

*Huddles in a fetal position in the corner and begins rocking back and forth*