I'm using the combat proc from RPGTutorial (by Kunark). But I have an error when I use it. This error happens when I use continiusly the attack verb. This is the error:
runtime error: Cannot read null.HP
proc name: Attack (/mob/PC/verb/Attack)
usr: Elear (/mob/PC/male)
src: Elear (/mob/PC/male)
call stack:
Elear (/mob/PC/male): Attack(null)
and this is the attack code:
Attack(mob/M in oview(1))
var/damage = rand(1,3)
M.HP -= damage
and this is the death proc:
if(src.type == /mob/PC)
if(src.HP <= 0)
usr.exp += src.exp_give
for(var/O in src.Drops)
new O(src.loc)
range() << "[src] was slain by [usr]."
if(src.HP <= 0)
view(src) << "[src] died."
src.loc = locate(15,10,1)
src.HP = maxHP
![]() Apr 19 2003, 5:44 pm
Oview(1) is perfectly fine for that, since it excldes the user, it would be best to use here. The problem is (as I had the problem myself) is that when you kill the mob, a few extra attacks get thrown, (making M a mob that was deleted)
mob/PC |
It would have probley been better if u would have included the code line of were the bug accurred in the debug :).
Now those two lines are I think what makes the mob go boom. First off change oview to view. Now to see what is going wrong is the computer dosnt think M is what u think M is. The computer thinks M = null so somthing is going on with the Attack(mob/M in view(1)) which would be the declaring of it. Now lets look at a few things like is the error occuring when no one is around u? as for the actual question I dont know but this doesnt seem like a hard bug u just aren't trying to figure it out hard enough.