World War II ended in the year 1945. The evil Axis power was crushed and the Allied power was victorious. But what if something would have happened in a different way? What if the Axis power would have defeated the Allies and won World War II?

You decide, this dimension, 2007.

You know, I hope you realistically implement technologies.

It is suspected that the Nazi's had the technology and the design schematics for nuclear bombs before the Americans started the Manhattan project.

Americans had a few aircraft carriers by WWII. I don't know about the Nazi's. Both sides had submarines. No one had ICBMs, but I'm not sure about IRBMs.

Nazi's had different outfits for their men. MP40 smg, Stg.44, KAR98, MG42, and several other weapons.

Americans had their equivalents, but they didn't use the Blitzkrieg strategy and wasn't dependant on assault rifles (the BAR is close to an assault rifle, but it was used more like a light machinegun in American squads).
Americans used the Tommy gun, the Grease gun, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine (For Paratroopers), Browning Automatic Rifle, and a few others that I can't think of at this hour.

War game? Count me in :)
why do you hate jews =(
Dude, If you need info on Russi in WWII, You have noone better. My grandpa was a vet, and used to tell me stories of the front.
I'll subscibe, as long as the war isn't copyrighted.
What is Iccusion's stance in regards to jewish people? I think they are an anti-semitic organisation.
<_< Aaiko's Jewish.
"> Disturbed Puppy:

Dude, If you need info on Russi in WWII, You have noone better. My grandpa was a vet, and used to tell me stories of the front."

And my grandma is a Nazi so if you want info on nazi culture and such I am your man. =/ She still points to jewish people on T.V. and says "Gluck mal, JEW-BOY".

It's kinda, =/
Well, My uncle beat your uncle! :P
not through training, or superior weapons. But by sheer numbers.
when you sacrifice 20,000 people in 1 house, the enemy's bound to lose all hope.
<_< Aaiko's Jewish.


Anyways, the Nazi's had many experiments in technology that would have made resonable governments disgusted. Fortunately nothing much came of it, but perhaps one day they did find something.

It'd have to be powerful, brutal and disgusting.

Use your imagination :D
I remember reading about Nazi experiments with children to turn eyes blue. I think there was stuff about injecting dyes into eyes and whatnot. =(
I remember reading about Nazi experiments with children to turn eyes blue. I think there was stuff about injecting dyes into eyes and whatnot. =(

Yeah, but that wasn't even the worst of it.

They put people in microwaves. Transplanted female and male organs onto the opposit sex. And much much worse...
-no, he's christian...but he isnt a Nazi Revisionist(neo nazi)
but he isnt a Nazi Revisionist(neo nazi)

Obviously. By the fact that he picked a non-aryan name :P
Guys you are not even describing the stuff that went on. If you want to know a lot of WWII you can ask me I just know a lot of info about it.
I was discussing WWII Weapons Technologies. >_>
Me too.
I think nearly everyone on BYOND is a WW2 junkie.

im more into strategy in combat myself, so idk what help i would be with a game. but i know alot about the eastern front ^_^
WWII Junkie? Nah, I'm just a guns expert. I frequent
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