like what if i wanted to make a tree that was three tiles high?
well you make more than one iconstate for each part of the tree then place it so it looks like a tree on the map
In response to Koolguy900095
ok but what if i want the one on the bottom, not able to walk through, and the other top ones, able to go through, but your body is covered up?
In response to Nave
Then simply make several objects/turfs... for example TreeBottom with density=1 and TreeMiddle and TreeTop with density=0. If the icons are drawn properly, you can make tall or short trees by using several TreeMiddles.

In response to Nave
I don't know how to make your body covered up, but you make different tree parts, and you make the top ones have no density.
In response to Nave
Nave wrote:
ok but what if i want the one on the bottom, not able to walk through, and the other top ones, able to go through, but your body is covered up?

Like splatter gnome said you just make the top parts of the tree non dense so you can move them. And if you want the icon to be drawn over the player you need to also set the tree's layer to MOB_LAYER + 1.
In response to Theodis
Well just make sure that nothing the mob is wearing is set higher than the layer of the tree.
In response to Theodis
I needed to make the person go behind stuff to, what i did was set the layers on the objects...

the top layers need to be higher ( i set mine at 4)

under the objects properties put

layer = 4
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:
Nave wrote:
ok but what if i want the one on the bottom, not able to walk through, and the other top ones, able to go through, but your body is covered up?

Like splatter gnome said you just make the top parts of the tree non dense so you can move them. And if you want the icon to be drawn over the player you need to also set the tree's layer to MOB_LAYER + 1.

and how do i set the MOB_LAYER + 1 ?
In response to TrondLock
layer = 4

Gah :P. Magic numbers are bad!
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:
layer = 4

I did that and now when i goto my map editor i get pending map errors!!!WTF hapened!?!
In response to Nave
Nave wrote:
Theodis wrote:
Nave wrote:
ok but what if i want the one on the bottom, not able to walk through, and the other top ones, able to go through, but your body is covered up?

Like splatter gnome said you just make the top parts of the tree non dense so you can move them. And if you want the icon to be drawn over the player you need to also set the tree's layer to MOB_LAYER + 1.

and how do i set the MOB_LAYER + 1 ?

density = 0
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1

Replace obj/treetop with whatever name you're using for the treetop.
ok i still dont get this
In response to Nave
you can go to the demos then find the 'Mobs More Than 1 Tile' or whatever demo.Hope this helps!
In response to splattergnome
If you really need the 2 tiles, use it. But If its just because you made it 2 tiled and you want it 1 tile, Put both icons on a photo editor (paint will do) and resize em to make them smaller :)
A better way to do all of this is with overlays and pixel_y. The "treetop" object method won't allow you to move large things, or, if you do, their other parts will be left behind. Upon creation, or whenever you run an "icon check" whatever that may be in your game, add an image to the mob or object's overlays list and give it a pixel_y of 32. That will place it one tile above the base tile. All calculations and whatnot will be done only from the base tile, i.e. you won't bump into the top part of the mob or tree. I believe one of the multiple-tile-mob demos explains this all a little better. One problem you might run into, though, is layers. You'll probably want to subtract a fraction of the atom's y coordinate from its layer so atoms that are further south will be drawn above others. Anyways, hope that helps you out a little.
In response to DerDragon
DerDragon wrote:
A better way to do all of this is with overlays and pixel_y. The "treetop" object method won't allow you to move large things, or, if you do, their other parts will be left behind. Upon creation, or whenever you run an "icon check" whatever that may be in your game, add an image to the mob or object's overlays list and give it a pixel_y of 32. That will place it one tile above the base tile. All calculations and whatnot will be done only from the base tile, i.e. you won't bump into the top part of the mob or tree. I believe one of the multiple-tile-mob demos explains this all a little better. One problem you might run into, though, is layers. You'll probably want to subtract a fraction of the atom's y coordinate from its layer so atoms that are further south will be drawn above others. Anyways, hope that helps you out a little.

dont get it.......
In response to Nave
The idea is for multi iconed trees and stuff you use overlays with pixel varients (e.g. they are moved upwards)