how can u get a var to equal the amount of a certain mob.
e.g. var/numofmob = (number of mobs on map)
is there a way?
May 9 2003, 8:02 am
In response to Maz
I am a really really stupid newb, could anyone explain this in IDIOT language for me?
In response to Gokuss4neo
for(var/mob/M in world) mobcount++ mob count is the number of mobs in the world, this includes npcs. |
In response to Maz
In response to Gokuss4neo
Erm...I get LOTS of errors when i use this code! definition definition :instruction not allowed here type name (indentation error?) not allowed here type name (indentation error?) !!! Would it help if I said what i wanted it for? I want it so that I can make a verb, that fires a projectile at EVERY mobe of a certain type (e.g mob/monster/poo) |
In response to Gokuss4neo
First of all, the way hazman wrote it wasn't total tab lengths so it will be totally messed up. Maybe that's wahy you got the 2 indentation errors :) Also, I think Haz just gave you part of the coding, not all of it. When i was making a walk() for a ship in my game, it had the duplicate definition. I think this means you have to make it a new () and not in the first one but im not sure :(
~Starwaspower~ |
In response to Starwarspower
| definition
-means that you have a variable named M already. You'll need to find another name for the M variable in the snipplet Maz gave you. Too explain the rest Im going to have too see the entire proc. It sounds like youve messed up somewhere else and confused the compiler. |
In response to DarkView
OK, thank you for your help...
In response to DarkView
You have probably placed that snippet of code somewhere not allowed, or you wouldn't get those errors. Show the surrounding say, 10 lines each way. The code snippet will have to be inside a procedure(such as a verb or proc)
In response to Alathon
Tree3 icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state = "tree3" density = 1 Tree4 icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state = "tree4" density = 1 flag icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state = "flag" density = 1 verb Salute() set category = "Fighting" view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]<font color = white> salutes</font color = blue> to<font color = red> the <font color = white>American<font color = blue> flag<font color = white>." pole icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state = "pole" density = 1 verb Salute() set category = "Fighting" view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]<font color = white> salutes</font color = blue> to<font color = red> the <font color = white>American<font color = blue> flag<font color = white>." grass icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state = "grass" density = 0 mob explosion/New() spawn() while(src) icon = 'mobs.dmi' icon_state = "explosion" var/Y var/X sleep(25) X = rand(4,13) Y = rand(73,82) loc = locate(X,Y,2) sleep(25) turf buildingtop icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state = "buildingtop" density = 1 buildingside icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state = "buildingside" density = 1 saibamachine icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state = "saibameen" density = 1 |
In response to Gokuss4neo
and its supposed to fit in where?
In response to Maz
mob explosion |
This could be done by looking in the world.contents for whatever you need.