How could I make my character move faster than the normal speed? Thanks!
The only two things I can think of is either making everything run slow then keep your characters speed normal. Or for every tile your character moves teleport him one tile ahead. But that would be really messed up. Because first of all it'd be impossible to walk on some of the turfs and if something was dense you would appear on it. So that's too shaky.

In response to SSChicken
That sucks, if i slowed it down wouldnt it look like the game was lagging?
In response to Koolguy900095
Not always...there are some good demo's on that, you can either look at those or ask One Fish Down how he did the whole walk/car thing in GTAO...that's the only game I can think of at the moment that accomplished that.
In response to SSChicken
K thanks Ill try to contact him do you know his e-mail cause sometimes he isnt on so i cant page him
In response to Koolguy900095
I belive this is his email [email protected] at least thats what it said on his porfolio thing.
It can depend a lot on your game, but if you're looking for ways to increase the speed of something that already moves one square per tick, then the only reasonable way to do it is to make it move two, or three or more squares per tick. It wouldn't look especially good though.

If your game is single player, you *might* be able to modify the speed by changing the world.tick_lag, but I haven't had much success in that area.