how do i put a icon and name on my game i cant anymore and it bugs me!!!!! i want to make mine like RaeKwons gamne and all but i cant do thge writing at the bottum anymore!!!

somone p[_ease help me!
mob // can be area, turf, obj, or mob
icon = 'iconhere.dmi'
icon_state = "iconstatehere"
name = "name
desc = "description"

I suggest you look at some demos (namely tutorials, like RPG tutorial 1 and 2 by kunark, and zilals tutorials.)
In response to Cra Zee Coder
He means the world vars like staus and name
In response to Maz
Are u sure?

he wrote:
"but i cant do thge writing at the bottum anymore!!!"

I think thats the thing under the command line (maybe above) and that would be

mob (or obj, turf, area)
name = ""
Wow... for 1337ness sakes.

Anyways, you aren't really being clear on what you want help on.

If you want a hub entry, including an icon, name, the storage for your game, and info, then you need to click on the Publish Games link to the left of this where it says "BYOND".