For some reason I get the error: Obj change constant value
In my coding:
        for(var/turf/house/o in objs)
o.loc = locate(o.lastx, o.lasty, o.lastz)

How can I fix this error?
You can't change the loc of turfs.
In response to Garthor
Oh...So I have to make them objs? If so does that cause more lag in the game because im trying to save the players built houses...
In response to Koolguy900095
try using something a "for(obj/O in world)" or "world.contents" if you want to save the whole world
In response to CoWdUdE7
This is loading them...not saving...
In response to Koolguy900095
You could make them objs, but you don't have to. If you'd rather stick with turfs, just make a new turf at the location. So instead of <code>o.loc=locate(...)</code>, it's <code>var/turf/T=new o.type(locate(...))</code> (and then set whatever of T's vars are important to be loaded, to o's equivalent var. For example, you might set T.houseowner=o.houseowner).