I want to add in a command called Apply, where they click on it and a window pops up, with a list of jobs. When some one clicks on one of the jobs, the window closes and a message is viewed to the world that says.

world << "[usr] has applyed for [src]"
can anyone help?
In response to RoyalSayin
just wait a hour or two you will get great help be patient, Byond is one of the few gaming communities who dont ignore and make fun of noobs.
I think this is what you mean
usr << browse("Text Here","window=info")
The window=info makes it a pop-up.
In response to Vowles
Browser windows look nice, but they're fiddly. If you don't want to mess around with them, you can just use input().

<code>var/job=input(src,"Choose a job","Jobs") as null|anything in joblist if (!job) return //If the player chose Cancel, job will be null, so return. world << "[src] chose the job: [job]"</code>