To Whom it may concern,
Will you please teach me how to make a hud? If you can, contact me at [email protected] or on AIM and MSN YellowDragon9768 = AIM [email protected] = MSN, thank you.

From the,
You could try to look in demos section before you ask people to make or help you make something. Just a tip.

*feels kinda like garthor =P*

In response to Airjoe
*kicks Airjoe in the spleen for sounding nothing like him*
In response to Garthor
It's not nice to kick people because they don't sound like themselves.
In response to Jon88
That makes no sense.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
*kicks Airjoe in the spleen for sounding nothing like him*

Seeing as how Airjoe is the only noun in the sentence, him should refer to Airjoe.
In response to Jon88
The *'s represent an action, so that there is the implication that the name of the person is placed before the things in the *'s.
In response to Garthor
What's your point? You had no *'s in your phrase at all.