ive been trying to figure this one out for awhile.

new /obj/production (usr)
obj/production/P += P.value

when I try to use the verb its giving me a runtime error saying that it cannot read nul.value

now what I want is for to be added to the new production obj in the usr inventory. Its important that only the obj in the usr inventory gets changed.
Treasurecat wrote:
ive been trying to figure this one out for awhile.

new /obj/production (usr)
obj/production/P += P.value

when I try to use the verb its giving me a runtime error saying that it cannot read nul.value

now what I want is for to be added to the new production obj in the usr inventory. Its important that only the obj in the usr inventory gets changed.

I'm not exactly sure what you're shooting for here, but heres my guess.

You need to create a reference to that new production object you've created. Try something like this:

// (...assuming this is a mob verb...)

var/obj/production/P = new(src) //The var 'P' is a reference to the new object
P.value += ws // You can now access the objects vars using the 'P' reference

You stated that you wanted the mobs 'ws' var to be added to the /obj/production, so I wrote it that way, although you have it reversed in your example.

*EDIT* : By the way, the reason you get a 'null.value' error is you are attempting to read the variable of an empty reference. The line 'var/obj/production/P' creates a reference which CAN be pointed to an actual object, but at this point, it doesn't point to anything, therefore, it is 'null'.

In response to Flick
Flick wrote:
Treasurecat wrote:
ive been trying to figure this one out for awhile.

new /obj/production (usr)
obj/production/P += P.value

when I try to use the verb its giving me a runtime error saying that it cannot read nul.value

now what I want is for to be added to the new production obj in the usr inventory. Its important that only the obj in the usr inventory gets changed.

I'm not exactly sure what you're shooting for here, but heres my guess.

You need to create a reference to that new production object you've created. Try something like this:

// (...assuming this is a mob verb...)

> mob
> verb
> Write_a_movie_script()
> var/obj/production/P = new(src) //The var 'P' is a reference to the new object
> P.value += ws // You can now access the objects vars using the 'P' reference

You stated that you wanted the mobs 'ws' var to be added to the /obj/production, so I wrote it that way, although you have it reversed in your example.

*EDIT* : By the way, the reason you get a 'null.value' error is you are attempting to read the variable of an empty reference. The line 'var/obj/production/P' creates a reference which CAN be pointed to an actual object, but at this point, it doesn't point to anything, therefore, it is 'null'.

I dont understand why im getting this error

runtime error: Cannot read
proc name: Write a movie script (/mob/verb/Write_a_movie_script)
usr: Treasurecat (/mob/DM)
src: Treasurecat (/mob/DM)
call stack:
Treasurecat (/mob/DM): Write a movie script()

ws is a var set to 1 at the begining. I tried reversing to P.value += but I got the excact same error

the only thing I really am trying to do here is add the value of to P.value
Treasurecat wrote:
ive been trying to figure this one out for awhile.

new /obj/production (usr)
obj/production/P += P.value

when I try to use the verb its giving me a runtime error saying that it cannot read nul.value

You never set P to anything. Thus, P is null. You have the same problem with M.

When you created the /obj/production you never assigned it to a var, and it looks like P was the intended target for that. So you need P=new(usr) instead of the new/obj/production(usr) line above, and should probably be instead.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Treasurecat wrote:
ive been trying to figure this one out for awhile.

new /obj/production (usr)
obj/production/P += P.value

when I try to use the verb its giving me a runtime error saying that it cannot read nul.value

You never set P to anything. Thus, P is null. You have the same problem with M.

When you created the /obj/production you never assigned it to a var, and it looks like P was the intended target for that. So you need P=new(usr) instead of the new/obj/production(usr) line above, and should probably be instead.

Lummox JR

P is an object being created in the usr inventory however it looks like my was the problem I changed it to and now the error is gone and I believe the value was added