I have this shape shifting code working fine now.
The only thing thats going wrong is that when someone loggs out he keeps the shape and the "shif back" verb but also has all his normal verbs and no MP drain.

Now everytime a server reboots or shutsdown or a player restarts or logsout i need to check is he is in a other shape (shifted = 1 when he is shape shifted)

I tryed mob/Del() and mob/Logout() but the code after these thing isn't used at all.(Btw,I am using the char handling lib)

How can i make sure that all logging out or deleted mobs are checked for shape shifting and shift back before logging out (and before getting saved)?
I'd say that you could add in the Login() proc

if(src.Type==/mob/PC/shapeshifter) //Whatever this should be

This would be my guess, not sure though, I'm wuite new to programming in BYOND.