if(M.client && song)
M << sound(song,1,0)
M << sound(null,0,1)
proc/Change_Song(s as sound)
for(var/mob/m in contents)
m << sound(null,0,1)
song = s
m << sound(song,1,0)
icon = 'objects.dmi'
icon_state = "boombox"
var/song as sound
for(var/turf/a in range(10,src.loc))
var/area/music/b = new(locate(a.loc))
set src in view(1)
if(locate(/obj/Pickupable/CasinoKey) in usr.contents)
song = input("Please select a song") as sound|null
for(var/area/music/b in range(10,loc))
![]() Jun 4 2003, 6:18 am
Well, in the PlanetBYOND casino, (and a few other places) there is hopefully going to be a music player. Unfortunately, there won't be till I sort out this code. It does literally nothing. Please help!
One thing you need to fix is that your Entered() and Exited() procs don't actually check to see if M is a mob; the argument to the proc could be an obj, too, and checking obj.client will give you a runtime error. Best to use ismob() to check before checking M.client.
And even better is not bumping your thread less than 12 hours after the original post when it was hardly even pushed a little way down the first page. Wait till a day or so has passed, and your thread is pushed far down or off the page. Lummox JR |
The post was on the second page, and it was about 14 hours after the post. But you are right, I need to sort out those procs.
Hazman wrote:
[snip] it was about 14 hours after the post [/snip] Wrong! It was precisely 11 hours and 8 minutes when you bumped your thread. Try looking at the time of post before you actually try to estimate a time between posting ;) Oh yea, about you saying it was on second page and Lummox saying it was on the first, well, your screen resolutions come into perspective here. I am using 1024x768, people using 800x600 and less, see less threads than I do, and people using a higher resolution than myself see more, obviously, haha. Anyhow, :P --Lee PS; <small>I wasn't being mean, just telling you that Lummox is correct about your post-bump.</small> |
Mellifluous wrote:
Oh yea, about you saying it was on second page and Lummox saying it was on the first, well, your screen resolutions come into perspective here. Actually I think it's the preference setting on the number of posts per page. By page I meant actual document, not just what fits on the screen, which is really the only correct interpretation in this context. From what I saw of the dates of other posts up, though, it didn't look to me as if his post would have been pushed past the top 50--which is the default setting. Lummox JR |
Lummox JR wrote:
Actually I think it's the preference setting on the number of posts per page. By page I meant actual document, not just what fits on the screen, which is really the only correct interpretation in this context. From what I saw of the dates of other posts up, though, it didn't look to me as if his post would have been pushed past the top 50--which is the default setting. Yea, my settings for this Forum on my PC are exactly the same on my fathers PC, only difference is that he uses 800x600 screen resolution, whereas I use 1024x768. If you actually could see what I see, then you would more than likely get where I am coming from, but anyway, I will try to explain. Actually, come to think of it, I think you're right... I am just getting the wrong perspective of the screen resolution here... With a smaller resolution, text, icons, folders, etc... Appear larger, whereas a higher resolution "shrinks" them... With my resolution, everything seems to fit in place and be nice looking, yet when I go to my fathers and use his resolution of 800x600, then I see everything as large and stuffy... Meaning, everything seems "out-of-place". Anyhow, dismiss the screen resolution prospect. I was totally wrong :D --Lee |