I don't know how to explain this, ummm ok when I click something and an alert pops up, all I have to do is click my map and I can move while the Alert is do I make it so I can't move?

Well, this is what I think your problem is. You have this thing that you click on and it pops up an alert. But when you click on the map, you can move. I am assuming that it you want yourself to move where you click. This is an easy thing to solve. Here is what you have to do.


Make a new variable called 'lock' or something you want.

mob/var/lock = 0


In your built-in move proc, put this in.

if(src.lock) // if your lock is on...
return // you don't move
return ..() // otherwise, you move


In your clickey thing, you can change your lock var to 1 so you are not able to move.

usr.lock = 1
alert(usr,"Alert thing!")
usr.lock = 0 // and when you are done 'alerting', your lock turns to 0

If this doesn't help you, I may have misundered your question. Hope it helps you!

~~Dragon Lord~~