im trying to make a move for my dbz game un/majin but i dont know how so can som1 make me 1 or lead me to a demo or somthing thx contact my on my pager

-sisc0 thx
Okay then, first of all, it is VERY unlikely that you will find help with yet another ho-hum DBZ game here (and I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt that your game will be quite ho-hum). It is even less likely if you can't even use proper English. Finally, it is even MORE unlikely that you will get someone waiting for you to log on just so that THEY can help YOU. YOU'RE the one wanting help here, so don't expect someone to page you about it.
In response to Garthor
#1. Another dbz game, sorry no help from me.
#2. You're trying to make a 'move' well why not start with some information.
#3. No one will wait for you to page you about your code.
#4. Code Problems is for codes already made but have bugs, not helping make a code.
#5. Once again it's going to be dbz!
In response to Crashed
This What makes Byond a unhappy place pll flaming pll cause they ask for help
In response to Sisc0
No, it's DBZ games that make it an unhappy place. Oh, and the people who can't even type in proper English. I mean, pll? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'd assume "people" based on context, but "people" has one "l," "pll" has two.