
Problem description:

I thought that if I forced alpha onto an icon and used that as a background image, it would support transparent backgrounds on popup windows.

That doesn't appear to be the case.

How would I go about reflecting a transparent background for webclient users, while still using the same background image for non-webclient users?

I'm aware that using CSS might be an option, but i'm not sure how i'd go about doing that through dream maker.
The limitation here is in the current incarnation of the pop control (pop.dms). The container that holds the pane has a solid background, behind which there are resize handles.

To clarify, the way popups are implemented in the webclient is like so: The window itself is a pane control, because all "main" controls in the .dmf skin get translated as "pane". When shown, it calls popup(). By default that will create a pop control and adopt the pane into it, although popup() can be overridden. (Browser popups are similar. Unlike in DS where they're a browser control inside a main control, they're a browser control inside a pop control. The pop can adopt the browser directly, because the webclient allows any control to act like a pane for purposes of child/tab/pop/etc.)

Given the way this is setup, probably the easiest thing for me to do would be to add is-transparent to the pane and pop controls (it isn't used by all controls because it isn't needed), and support it when resizing/titlebars are turned off.