To whom is reading this post. Do you know F Color Selection by Flick?
It is a nice little lib that makes it so you can easily, and graphicaly change the color of yourself.
I wanted to apply that lib to items so that the player only need to buy one shirt or one set of shoes and get whatever color they desire out of it.
But I cannot get it to work. I get a bad icon operation or something when I apply it to a object like so:
icon = 'cape.dmi'
set src in oview(1)
var/new_rgb = F_Color_Selector.Get_Color(src)
var/icon/I = new('cape.dmi')
icon = I
Can anyone help me? Hopefully if you are reading this you will know how I can apply his nice lib to objects.
Jul 9 2003, 9:23 pm
Jul 9 2003, 11:45 pm
Ask the author -_-
In response to Da_Rushyo
Yeah thanks alot I tried that already captian obious
Shades wrote:
To whom is reading this post. Do you know F Color Selection by Flick? Hey, you know what's a good idea? Actually put something about that in your subject line instead of "Help me with this PLEASE!". The topic you chose was pretty vague. If you want help, give people a better idea what they'll read in the post. Lummox JR |
In response to Shades
Captain Obious.... I might make that a new key :D
Or I would if dantom didn't have this silly limit.... |