Ok first how would I make different monsters spawn at different times like i want newbie monsters to spawn faster than boss monsters! my code is :
icon = 'dog.dmi'
Hp = 12
MaxHp = 12
Strength = 10
Skill = 8
Agility = 9
Knowledge = 7
Intelligence = 7
Wisdom = 4
Endurance = 9
AggressiveMode = 0
TotalExperience = 10
Delay = 1.4
Level = 1
icon = 'Ranger.dmi'
Hp = 25
MaxHp = 25
Strength = 14
Skill = 12
Agility = 13
Knowledge = 14
Intelligence = 9
Wisdom = 5
Endurance = 15
AggressiveMode = 0
TotalExperience = 15
Delay = 1.6
Level = 2
icon = 'bat.dmi'
Hp = 15
MaxHp = 15
Strength = 12
Skill = 10
Agility = 15
Knowledge = 5
Intelligence = 5
Wisdom = 4
Endurance = 10
AggressiveMode = 0
TotalExperience = 11
Delay = 1.2
Level = 1
icon = 'tiger.dmi'
Hp = 45
MaxHp = 45
Strength = 32
Skill = 18
Agility = 25
Knowledge = 6
Intelligence = 12
Wisdom = 14
Endurance = 20
AggressiveMode = 1
Weapon = 5
MaxWeapon = 10
TotalExperience = 30
Delay = 1.6
Level = 6
icon = 'lizard_man.dmi'
Hp = 85
MaxHp = 85
Strength = 45
Skill = 35
Agility = 20
Knowledge = 18
Intelligence = 19
Wisdom = 15
AggressiveMode = 1
Weapon = 12
MaxWeapon = 15
ArmorClass = 35
TotalExperience = 45
Delay = 2
Level = 12
TreasureHunt = 1
GetItems = 1
if (!invisibility)
if (!Target)
for (M in view())
if (M.client && !M.invisibility && !M.GMCheck())
Target = M
if (get_dist(src,Target) > 10 || src.z != Target.z)
Target = null
step_towards(src, Target)
if (!Target)
var/Found_Obj = 0
if (TreasureHunt)
for (O in oview())
if (!Found_Obj)
var/Loc = src.loc
step_towards(src, O)
if (Loc != src.loc)
Found_Obj = 1
if (GetItems)
for (O in oview(0))
if (istype(O, /obj/Money/Gold) || istype(O, /obj/Money/Silver) || istype(O, /obj/Money/Copper))
if (!Found_Obj)
spawn(30) Random_Move()
Also, I would want to make monsters drop items and how would i do that? My code for combat is this :
if (AggressiveMode)
AggressiveMode = 0
AggressiveMode = 1
if (Check_SafeZone(usr, M)) return
if (usr.Wait || !ismob(M) || !AggressiveMode || M.NPC || M == null)
if (!usr.client && !M.client)
usr.Wait = 1
if (M.CheckPowerSlash()) return
spawn (usr.Delay * 10) usr.Can_Attack()
var/Damage = rand(round(Strength / 15) + Weapon, round(Strength / 5) + MaxWeapon)
Damage -= round(M.ArmorClass / 5)
var/Check_Hit = (rand(Skill) + Skill / 2) - (rand(M.Agility) + M.Agility / 2)
if (Check_Hit)
if (Damage > 0)
view() << "[usr] struck [M] for [Damage] Hp!"
M.Hp -= Damage
view() << "[usr]'s attack doesn't even scratch [M]!"
view() << "[usr] swings at [M] but misses terribly!"
if (!M.client) M.Target = usr
usr.Wait = 0
icon = 'level up.dmi'
usr << "You've gained a level!"
var/Exper = round(100 * log(500, usr.Level))
usr.ExperienceNeeded = Exper * Exper
//usr.ExperienceNeeded = round(500 * 1.5 * usr.Level + Exp(1.55, usr.Level))
for (A = 0; A < 5; A++)
var/list/menu = new()
menu += "Strength"
menu += "Skill"
menu += "Agility"
menu += "Knowledge"
menu += "Wisdom"
menu += "Intelligence"
menu += "Endurance"
var/Result = input("Raise which attribute ([A+1] of 5)", "Level Up", null) in menu
switch (Result)
if ("Strength") usr.Strength ++
if ("Skill") usr.Skill ++
if ("Agility") usr.Agility ++
if ("Knowledge") usr.Knowledge ++
if ("Wisdom") usr.Wisdom ++
if ("Intelligence") usr.Intelligence ++
if ("Endurance") usr.Endurance ++
if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Warrior))
usr.MaxHp += 5
usr.Hp += 5
usr.Strength ++
usr.Endurance ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Knight))
usr.MaxHp += 3
usr.Hp += 3
usr.Strength ++
usr.Skill ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Paladin))
usr.MaxHp += 2
usr.Hp += 2
usr.MaxSp += 2
usr.Sp += 2
usr.Strength ++
usr.Knowledge ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Cleric))
usr.MaxSp += 4
usr.Sp += 4
usr.Knowledge ++
usr.Wisdom ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Sage))
usr.MaxSp += 3
usr.Sp += 3
usr.Knowledge ++
usr.Intelligence ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Wizard))
usr.MaxSp += 5
usr.Sp += 5
usr.Knowledge ++
usr.Intelligence ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Spellsword))
usr.MaxSp += 2
usr.Sp += 2
usr.Strength ++
usr.Intelligence ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Bard))
usr.MaxHp += 2
usr.Hp += 2
usr.MaxSp += 1
usr.Sp += 1
usr.Agility ++
usr.Knowledge ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Rogue))
usr.MaxHp += 3
usr.Hp += 3
usr.Skill ++
usr.Agility ++
else if (istype(usr, /mob/player/Assassin))
usr.MaxHp += 3
usr.Hp += 3
usr.Strength ++
usr.Agility ++
usr.MaxHp += round(usr.Endurance / 3)
usr.Hp += round(usr.Endurance / 3)
if (!istype(usr, /mob/player/Warrior) && !istype(usr, /mob/player/Knight) && !istype(usr, /mob/player/Rogue) && !istype(usr, /mob/player/Assassin))
usr.MaxSp += round(usr.Endurance / 3)
usr.Sp += round(usr.Endurance / 3)
And last but definitely not least could you help me with a problem ive been having because the monsters spawn one after another so eventually if noone kills the monsters it could fill up the whole screen. So how would I make it so the countdown for the next spawn doesnt happen until AFTER the monster dies!
-I would love it if you could help me! TY And sorry for the such long post!
![]() Jul 15 2003, 8:24 am
Yah well thats all in good and im thankful that you helped me but you answered NONE of my questions :P!
First and foremost: Do not put usr in Bump(); it's totally wrong there, and in any movement-related proc.
The second thing is similar: Your AI procs are all using things like view(), but since procs like view() default to using usr as a point of reference, you've got another usr-in-proc problem. That is, usr isn't safe in procs unless you've kept perfect track of where it came from. What you need to use is src, so that should be view(src), and so on.
Likewise usr is wrong in mob/proc/Can_Attack(). However it's okay in Click() and in client/Center() because those are technically verbs.
Lummox JR