How would I go about setting an obj (not mob) to present itself at a certain place, such as x,y,z or a certain turf? I've been trying with loc = "/turf/spawnhere" but that moves the player. Any ideas?

spawn()//You might need this, not 100% sure
src.loc = locate(x,y,z)//If you don't need the spawn space it back by two
In response to SSChicken
You would also(I think) have to make sure that that code is after the ..() in your login proc or that you remove ..() entirely. One of the things that it does in the login proc is set the player's location to 1,1,1.
In response to Jon88
Sorry, those didn't work. Thank's anyway. Anyone else have any ideas?

In response to DBHavenMaster
If you're placing the obj on the map in dreammaker, no it probably won't work. If you're creating the obj by using code, then the code that was shown should work perfectly.(assuming your obj happens to be obj/chicken :)