source file:,38
usr: the two (/mob/Monsters/two)
src: the two (/mob/Monsters/two)
call stack:
the two (/mob/Monsters/two): Wander()
the two (/mob/Monsters/two): New(the turf (3,10,1) (/turf))a
i get this error when it trys and read line 38 (Yes im making a demo for people)
if(M in oview(20) && !M.leader)
var/list/l = new()
//make a new list
for(var/mob/Monsters/M in view(20,src))
//check mobs in view
//add it to list
//if allready a leader
//minus it
var/mob/k = pick(l)
//pick a var called k
ps: Can i some how only make it check if theres a 'leader' in the oview and if there is create one,
if you help me its not only me youll be helping :-)
You didn't actually include the error message; you just gave us the call stack.
Two problems here: First, you need a set of parentheses around "M in oview(20)", because for whatever reason the "in" operator has an extremely low precedence.
The other problem is that that absolutely has to be oview(20,src), because usr (the default point of reference) has no place in an AI proc--or pretty much any proc.
That should be view(20,src).
This loop doesn't make much sense. The k section really shouldn't be in that loop at any rate, and it seems you could save some effort by doing the if() check before ever adding M to the list. Likewise since this is AI, you should also be checking among monster mobs, unless the monster is supposed to follow players too.
To check if there's a leader in view, just break out of the loop when a suitable M is found. If M is null after the loop, it means the loop finished without finding a leader, so then you can assign one.
I hate to discourage you, but this should not be a demo. These are the basics that you're learning yourself, so you're not in a position to teach anybody yet. The point of a demo or tutorial (technically this is more of a tutorial, since a demo is more of a proof-of-concept) is to explain how to do something to someone who doesn't know. If you don't know the material well enough (backwards and forwards) to teach it, then it's just the blind leading the blind. Don't make a demo or tutorial right now.
What you should do instead is continue to develop the code, and keep commenting it generously and making it as adaptable and user-friendly as possible while still suiting your purposes. Keep working on it, and eventually when you have a much, much better grasp on BYOND itself (not just this particular code), you'll know when it's time to release a tutorial.
And in any event you should ditch the Nadrew-style commenting. Put at least a space or two between your code and the // comment. It helps whenever possible too to get the comments to line up on tab boundaries, but that's more of a guideline.
Lummox JR