if at all possible how would you go about creating a new map in Dream Seeker and saving it?
world.maxz ++

Not sure how you would save it... something with for turf in z. But I can't tell you anything because I don'know.
In response to SSChicken
but then how would you edit anything in that map?
like the maxx and maxy?
Ive found out how to create the new map... but I end up with a 100 x 100 map
It doesn't matter if I make the world maxx and maxy 10 x 10 or 50 x 50 I still end up with a 100 x 100 map but thats probably because my largest map is 100 x 100... Im going to be creating a bunch of these "little" maps so I don't want them to be 100 x 100 I need to be able to set the x and y. But I don't know how to set the x and y of the map that is created.
In response to Vermolius
the new Z level would be fill with nothing but the default turf, you could probebly edit the new level with codes such as this:

var/turf/destination=locate(x,y,z) //Get a turf from somewhere on your allready made world
var/turf/source=locate(x,y,z) //Specifie a turf on your new level to copy that turf to

I think this would copy the turf on destination to source