I have made a (I think) bug-free Guild Demo. It took me quite a long time, and has millions of tests, and is now working fine!

So I did the "Package Files" command in Dream Maker and got "Guild" file from doing that, and published on BYOND. BUT when ANYONE (even me) tries to download it they download a folder with a "Guild Demo.rsc" file in it, which appears to be USELESS!!!

What do I do?

Gokuss4neo wrote:
I have made a (I think) bug-free Guild Demo. It took me quite a long time, and has millions of tests, and is now working fine!

So I did the "Package Files" command in Dream Maker and got "Guild" file from doing that, and published on BYOND. BUT when ANYONE (even me) tries to download it they download a folder with a "Guild Demo.rsc" file in it, which appears to be USELESS!!!

What do I do?

Probably you chose the "World resource files" option in the package dialog, which isn't what you want. You want "World source files".