I'm coming back, guys! After 1 year of trying to get my hospital stuff working for Super Hero Bash! I've got it working within the last 24 hours! Now all I have to do is touch it up.
Right now, if you die, you get sent to the hospital. According to what type of insurance you have, you get sent to your proper treatment. Poor people get sent to the free healing place which is the same regen rate as normal. People with minimum coverage get it a little better, and so on and so on.
Now, all I have to do is touch it up. I might release it as a demo for BYONDscape or put it on BYONDcodeclient ( http://www.byond.com/hub/sariat/byondcodeclient ).
Hopefully this will be my turnaround and I'll get the game back to its Glory Days stage.
Jul 31 2003, 8:52 am
Jul 31 2003, 10:04 am
And, may I ask, why is this in Newbie Central? :-P
In response to HavenMaster
Becuase I'm a born again newbie, I guess.