How can you change the icon state of a certain overlay? Like say I had to overlays in the same icon file and I wanted to change it to a different state without changing anything else. How would I do this?
usr.overlays += icon('clothes.dmi',"blackheadband")

You can't change the icon state of individual overlays, but you can remove the overlay and add it again.

Changing the icon state of whatever the overlay belongs to also changes the icon state of the overlay. So if you had a mob with an overlay and set the mob's icon_state to "somestate", the overlay would change to its "somestate" icon_state as well.
In response to Crispy
How would it do this.. I've tried it and it doesn't seem to work.

I have my mob's icon and state in one dmi and the hair and state in another yet it does not seem to change the hair, but only changing the icon_state of teh mob.