what do I use to make the center, numpad 5, button to do differant things? I've tried both of these which didn't work:

set hidden = 1
usr << "You pushed Center!"


usr << "You pushed Center!"

Niether of them give errors, but they also don't do what I want them to do, either.
Make a dms file, then do something like this:

(NOTE: Taking a look at Deadrons recent macro demo would help you greatly)

center return "(verb name, no () on verb)"

I would also suggest, if your using a macro for a verb, setting the verb to hidden.

set hidden = 1

It makes it not appear in stat panels.
CoWdUdE7 wrote:
what do I use to make the center, numpad 5, button to do differant things? I've tried both of these which didn't work:

set hidden = 1
usr << "You pushed Center!"


usr << "You pushed Center!"

Niether of them give errors, but they also don't do what I want them to do, either.

Using client/Center() is correct, but by setting up mob/verb/Center() I believe you've short-circuited the whole thing and now neither works.

Lummox JR