Hey, I've been trying to host games, but I can't. It just says connection failed. I can follow directions pretty good, so I'm asking for you guys to help me =). Here's what I'm running...
Windows 98 <-I'll be upgrading soon.
SpeedStream router <-I don't think this matters, I'm on the computer that is hooked up to the router.
Verizon DSL<-My internet connection.
I've tried everyone of those IP address website things given, but none worked. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you.
![]() Aug 8 2003, 7:50 pm
Crispy wrote:
A quick Google search for "SpeedStream router" turned up: According to that PDF document, the IP address you want is - if that doesn't work, run ipconfig or winipcfg and try all of the IP addresses listed. The address you gave me worked. I'm clueless from there though. However, I did come across something like this while exploring... Security Firewall Enable DoS (Denial of Service) Firewall Threshold: High (WAN bandwidth > 2 Mbps) Medium (WAN bandwidth 1 - 2 Mbps) Low (WAN bandwidth < 1 Mbps) If Enabled (recommended), invalid packets and connections are dropped. The "Threshold" affects invalid connections only. There is a checkmark next to Enable Dos Firewall. Also, It is checked on High(you can select low, medium, or high). &^Rocker^& |
That shouldn't affect hosting, especially if it's set to a high threshold. If you're following the instructions from http://www.haxial.com/faq/routerconfig/efficient, then you can probably skip steps 2 and 3 if you can't find the relevant settings.
The manual for the SpeedStream 2614 router; not sure if it's the same one, but hopefully a lot of it will be similar: http://images.amazon.com/media/i3d/01/MANUAL000005034.pdf
According to that PDF document, the IP address you want is - if that doesn't work, run ipconfig or winipcfg and try all of the IP addresses listed.
Setting up port forwarding on a SpeedStream router (may or may not be helpful): http://www.haxial.com/faq/routerconfig/efficient
Hopefully that helps. Remember there are many posts on this that can be found via forum searches, and there is relevant and useful information in the Help Center (link is under "BYOND" to the left).