While playing around with my AI I came across this error:
for(O in oview(10))
var/direction = get_dir(src,O)

I'm not sure what's wrong. For now I just want the mob to tell me what direction I can find the lumber.

All help is appreaciated.
You doon't have /obj/lumber or anything like that. THat code is looking for all objects.
In response to Airjoe
I only have one obj in my current world, and that obj is the lumber.

I added some new objs and changed the obj to the exact Resource/Forest. Still nothing happens :/
In response to SSChicken
src is whatever that verb/proc belongs to(ex: /mob/NPC or /mob/PC). I figured I'd mention that since you said you were playing with AI. If that is an NPCs proc the NPC will get the message.