icon = 'CardAnimations.dmi'
icon_state = "set"
var/obj/C = new /obj/CardAnimations/setCard
A.overlays += C
//Facedown set stuff blah Blah//
Problem description:
So what happens is either the overlay is getting added to the card but not playing the animation or the overlay is not adding at all. I have tried to set is as a seperate object and it works without adding as an overlay but anything else, it will not work.
I presume this has something to do with Obj not animating when they are set as overlays? I have tried using the animate() but nothing happens.
doesn't do anything. In fact, it clears animations. What are you trying to do? Just playing through the overlay's icon_state animation? If so, that should happen automatically. Are you sure that your icon isn't a movement state, or has multiple directions? Also, you might want to make certain that the second overlay is placed on top, to be safe.