var/O = /obj/rockT
var/obj/rock/R1 = new/obj/rockT
world << "test"
Problem description: To be honest the code above is all I have at the moment and it might not even be right. I'm trying to figure out how to make a new obj appear on the game. I need the rock to stay dense. The idea is for the player to catch the rock from the other side of the fence but the player can't cross the fence. So the rock starts from the Rock tosser, moves south 4-5 tiles goes through the fence, and if the player is on the other side of the fence the player will catch the rock. If not the rock will del.
For right now I'm just trying to figure out how to make the object appear in the game without me adding it to the map.
I want to learn what I am doing so if you can provide me with what command I need to look into or a small snippet for me to test and learn from that would be great! Thanks
new /mob(locate(1,1,1))
Also, that indentation with the world statement isn't going to work.