Added - A new promoted class for Mage, the Hexer, has been added.
Added - 5 new donation items have been added, some based on suggestions.
Adjusted - Absolute Death has been changed to only affect physical damage, and the boost in damage is now 5% per Rank. The duration has been increased by 1 as well.
Adjusted - Bodyguard will now only trigger its damage reduction if the damage taken exceeds your current HP.
Adjusted - Drowned Woman's damage reduction skill is now halved if she is installed.
Adjusted - Spark Drive and Thunder Drive can now only trigger once per round.
Adjusted - Power Gradiation's Momentum cost is now 4.
Adjusted - Lantern Bearer's lantern spells and Focused Beam have had their FP costs and FP scaling changed to reflect their power better.
Adjusted - Youkai now cost an additional 1 FP to maintain for every 5 levels they have obtained.
* Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Youkai, etc. would not move towards enemies.
- Fixed a bug where shop stalls without a shopkeeper on them would lose all of their hours upon a reboot.
![]() Dec 23 2014, 4:23 am
![]() Dec 23 2014, 1:32 pm