Hello all....

I am Phil, I have been into programming for a while, but now have stumbled upon this program called, BYOND. I am excited to be using this cool new programming tool, besides "DarkBasic Pro". I hope that you will accept me in the BYOND community!

Thanks for your time!
Hey welcome to BYOND. Here's a few tips...

1) Stay away from all dbz rips.

2) If you're looking for a few good games, Scary Game Remake is one of the best for action... That and Murder Mansion (Which is also strategy, though). MLAAS is a great game which is only live on weekends.

3) Oh yeah... don't make eye contact with Sariat.

I'd tell you why not to, but then I'd have to kill you ^_~.

Welcome Phil, please ignore the DBZers and you can have a great time :)
You should check out Chatters.
In response to Camaro
ok the two replies said about dbz'ers not all are rips!!! and also a fun game is Mystic Journey!
In response to Majinveku
Majinveku wrote:
ok the two replies said about dbz'ers not all are rips!!! and also a fun game is Mystic Journey!

DBZer... :o/
Welcome to BYOND Phil, have a nice stay :-)
Welcome to BYOND man, err... unless you are a woman, but Phil is a pretty masculine name. I guess it could be short for Phillis, or Philipe (if that's actually a name and a woman's name I am surprised). Aside from that, good luck with your future projects and I hope you actually get something released. My biggest problem is getting a game finished and releasing it. I usually have great ideas and a great start but then I get sidetracked and never finish it. My favorite part of the site is the warning of the day on the hub submittion page. It's been the same warning of the day since I've been a part of byond but it's definitely true.

Good Luck, Cadence.
Hi, Phil. Welcome to the BYOND Community. One word of advice...never, EVER start off big. EVER. Start off small, or else you will be on projects for 2 years straight. Trust me, I've done this. Oh yeah, and I suggest your remake your key and take out the numbers.
In response to Sariat
And don't forget Camaro's advice regarding Sariat.
In response to Foomer
Don't forget to do the opposite of what Foomer tells you to.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Don't forget to do the opposite of what Foomer tells you to.
The last few days I've been catching a lot of these posts from Garthor... and now every time I see Garthor post something I check it out :P
In response to Majinveku
Majinveku wrote:
ok the two replies said about dbz'ers not all are rips!!! and also a fun game is Mystic Journey!

Im so tired of this! I got in a argument with someone else. Look, it it uses the same icons, the same idea, or plays the same way as another game, it is a rip. it dosent matter if it uses a few new ideas to mask it! That makes ALL of the DBZ games on Byond a rip. Some better then others, but they are still ALL rips. (I dont know about Zeta, I havent been here long enough to know the first DBZ game.)

On a lighter note welcome to byond.
In response to Shades
You know, the best way to stop an argument is not adding to it.