I can't do something like, say, and have it check 'em all.

if(0 to 10) blah
if(10 to 20) blah blah
if(5 to 15) some other blah
if(1 to 20) another blah
Huh? Why can't you:
if(0 to 10) do_say("Low")
if(11 to 20) do_say("Medium")
else say do_say("High")

or whatever....
'cause it's a giant complicated chain of events using one variable in which more than one thing to happen!
Eh? The code Jmurph specified does work, you know.
Never mind, figured it out. (Wrong var! LOL)
*If you have mean things to say, keep them to yourselves!*
And you blamed the innocent switch() proc, now you hurt its feelings.
If you don't respect switch(), it won't respect you.