Sep 12 2003, 10:48 am
Basically what the topic says. How do you call a custom proc without getting runtime errors? Everytime I ask someone, they say there's something when calling the proc that I need to add...what might that be?
Sep 12 2003, 10:49 am
Your defining arguemnts when you define the proc, but then when you call the proc, which uses arguments, you aren't giving it any arguements.
A little context would make it actually possible to answer you here. Without it, it's not at all clear what you're asking.
Lummox JR |
In response to Airjoe
So what kinds of arguments would I need?
In response to ScouSin
say you have mob/proc/Dothis() to call that from a mob youd use Dothis() just like that. From somethin else youd do it like normal but use a var like var/mob/C and use C.Dothis() if you have augs like Dothis(mob/Me, mob/You) then you pass in what you want Me and You to be in the procs code like this Dothis(usr,src) this would assign whatever usr is as Me and whatever src is as You then in the code whereever you used Me and You those actions would be called on usr or src.
| you mean, like a "Talk()" proc?
mob |
In response to Goku72
Yes, exactly like that, but whenever I try referring to the proc like that, I get an undefined var error for everything in the parenthesis I'm trying to refer to the proc in!
In response to Aridale
Ok...I am sorta understanding what you're saying Aridale. Here's my coding...
mob density = 1 Login(world/W) world << "[usr] logged in" usr << "This is in alpha currently." if(red <= blue) red ++ icon = 'player.dmi' icon_state = "R" src.loc = locate(2,26,1) if(start == 0) start ++ W.timer() else blue ++ icon = 'player.dmi' icon_state = "B" src.loc = locate(99,26,1) world proc timer(obj/supercomputerred/R,obj/supercomputerblue/B,mob/M) time ++ M.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y-1,usr.z) sleep(10) if(Rhealth == 1) world << "Blue destroyed red's super computer, so they made red their bitch!" world << "Reboot in 15 seconds." sleep(150) world.Reboot() if(Bhealth == 1) world << "Red destroyed blue's super computer, so they made blue their bitch!" world << "Reboot in 15 seconds." sleep(150) world.Reboot() else timer() //All vars are givin the value 0, so I assume I don't need to show that. I added in the world part to the Login() proc, as I think you were telling me to do, but I still get 2 runtime errors... |
In response to ScouSin
id help ya scou but, Im as tired as hell. Ill try tommorow..
~ Jermman |
In response to Jermman
OneFishDown helped me.