OK, I am new to this and might be going about it all wrong, but here is what I am trying to do.
I am creating a board game. The different pieces are defined as objs (should they be mobs?). A given tile (or turf) on the board may contain a number of these objects.
What I want to be able to do is have the user click on a section of the map. If there are no objects there it will simply return the name of the turf. If there are objects there they should be able to move the top most object while leaving the other ones in place...until clicked on again.
Make sense at all? :)
A section of my code as I have it now;
if (contents.src.len)
usr << "You clicked [O]."
usr << "Move [O]."
The indentation may not be 100% right, but it is in the code. The code the way it sits returns the error
fantasy.dm:95:error:contents.src.len:undefined var
Maybe I am going about it all wrong anyway.
I realize the code as shown will not do half of what I want it to, but if I could get a nudge in the right direction (get at least this much to work) I might be able to figure out the rest myself :)
As I am a new user of DM...I am sure I will have a host of other questions as time goes on :)
Thanks in advance,
![]() Sep 13 2003, 7:37 am (Edited on Sep 13 2003, 7:42 am)
K'ros Trikare wrote:
yeah, abit of a indentation problem there o.o; > Im not really sure to go from there because i didn't really understand what you wanted to do... Actually, aside from the indentation, contents.src.len is backwards. It SHOULD be: src.contents.len. And, really...he should be using, if(src.contents.find(O)) |
OK, but it is still giving me the error
fantasy.dm:94:error:contents.src.len:undefined var If the variable has to be defined (which I can understand) how would I define it? Thanks for the help, Mark |
OK, after playing with the code on and off all day, the problems seems to be in the syntax (it tells me src is not defined.
So, here is my entire code so far...can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? #include <deadron/players> world name = "FANTASY" view = 9 turf floor name = "grass" icon = 'floor.dmi' river icon = 'river.dmi' density = 1 tree name = "forest" icon = 'tree.dmi' mountain icon = 'mountain.dmi' density = 1 citadel icon = 'citadel.dmi' darktemple name = "Dark Forces Fortress" icon = 'temple dark.dmi' goodtemple name = "Free People Fortress" icon = 'temple good.dmi' wall name = "fortified wall" icon = 'fortwall.dmi' vpath name = "path" icon = 'pathv.dmi' hpath name = "path" icon = 'pathh.dmi' start icon = 'start.dmi' name = "grass" opengate name = "open gate" icon = 'gate.dmi' gate name = "closed gate" icon = 'gateclosed.dmi' city icon = 'city.dmi' obj/OrcSoldier icon = 'orcsoldier.dmi' name = "Orc Soldiers" obj/OrcArcher icon = 'orcarcher.dmi' name = "Orc Archers" obj/OrcCalvary icon = 'orccalv.dmi' name = "Orc Calvary" obj/warg icon = 'warg.dmi' name = "Wargs" obj/GoblinSoldier icon = 'gobsoldier.dmi' name = "Goblin Soldiers" obj/GoblinArcher icon = 'gobarch.dmi' name = "Goblin Archers" obj/MaldurSlave icon = 'malslave.dmi' name = "Maldur Slaves" obj/ElfSoldier icon = 'elfsoldier.dmi' name = "Elf Soldiers" obj/ElfArcher icon = 'elfarch.dmi' name = "Elf Archers" obj/MenSoldiers icon = 'mensoldier.dmi' name = "Men Soldiers" obj/MenArchers icon = 'menarch.dmi' name = "Men Archers" obj/MenCalvary icon = 'mencalv.dmi' name = "Men Calvary" obj/DwarfSoldiers icon = 'dwarfsold.dmi' name = "Dwarf Soldiers" mob Login() loc = locate(/turf/start) var/moves verb say (msg as text) world << "[usr] says, [msg]." proc base_PlayerMobs() New() spawn(5) src << browse("<html><body>Test</body></ test>") client/Click(O as obj) if (src.contents.find(O)) usr << "[O]." else usr << "Move [O]." ..() Thanks for the help so far and hopefully all the future help :) Mark |
Im not really sure to go from there because i didn't really understand what you wanted to do...