I have a feeling I am going to become a pain before this is over :) Used to program in BASIC and QBASIC so thought this wouldn't be too hard to pick up, but maybe I am just too old.
At any rate. I am having a problem with variables...here are the sections of code involved;
msattack = 4
msarch = 0
msdef = 4
msmoral = 23
icon = 'mensoldier.dmi'
name = "Men Soldiers"
If I am correct this assigns the variables to the object MEN SOLDIERS.
Now, when I try to "call" the variables;
client/Click(atom/O, turf/T)
if(!isturf(T)) // click in statpanel; T is a string here
// O might be an obj, or T itself
// find if there's an object on T
O = locate(/obj) in T
usr << "Move [O]"
usr << "Attack Rating [msattack]"
usr << "Can't move [T]"
The problem I am getting is...when I compile the porgram it returns the error and warning;
fantasy.dm:120:error:msattack:undefined var
fantasy.dm:78:msattack :warning: variable defined but not used
Of course, I get the defined but not used for the variables I am not calling. But how can MSATTACK be defined and not used, and not defined??
P.S.: Not only is this a great program, but it has one of the most supportive group of users I have ever met!
![]() Sep 15 2003, 5:02 am
Not that it makes any difference, but I prefer to write it more like this :
obj/Mensoldiers |
If I do it that way (which was the way I originally had it) it does not give me the defined but not used error, but it still says it is undefined when I call it.
Mark |
You're right...I tried it that way and it didn't make a difference :)
Is there any particular reason you prefer that way though? Trying to learn here :) Mark |
I just think it looks neater and more legible. Because when you get to making the big time giant programs, the last thing you want is for it to be scruffy and confusing!
Also I like to have the icon bit first, then density, then any other predefined vars, then the rest! Also, put lots of comments. I can see you already have a lot, but always keep it in mind! ~GokuSS4Neo~ |
the reason it says msattack is undefined, is because you didn't tell which atom to call the msattack with. Since you didn't put anything, it defaults to src, which is the client. you should try making the vars a client/var instead of obj/var
the reason it says msattack is undefined, is because you didn't tell which atom to call the msattack with. Since you didn't put anything, it defaults to src, which is the client. you should try making the vars a client/var instead of obj/var OK, and how do I make it a client/var connected to the obect. (If that even makes sense :)) What would the syntax be? Thanks, Mark |
well, if you want it to apply to basically everyone, you could use
var/VARHERE //everyone etc. Get it? =) <-Airjoe-> |
AdminBiff wrote:
the reason it says msattack is undefined, is because you didn't tell which atom to call the msattack with. Since you didn't put anything, it defaults to src, which is the client. you should try making the vars a client/var instead of obj/var You don't, and not much. What you need to do is type-cast O from client/Click() into a var/obj/MenSoldiers first, then use X.msattack (where X is whatever var name you pick). I'd expound on this with some code, but it looks like you've taken an example I gave you and stretched it out of its original context. If you're looking to handle clicks for some kind of strategy game, I suggest redirecting the click to the object, and letting each object handle the click: O = locate(/obj) in T Lummox JR |
/* The problem is likely that you are not telling the compiler which atom the variable you are trying to use belongs to. For instance, say I have the following mob: */
mob/soldier var attack = 1 /* If I want to refer to the soldier's attack variable, I first have to tell the compiler that I want to use a variable which belongs to the soldier mob. Assuming the following lines are appearing inside a verb or proc: */ var/mob/soldier/S //a new variable which references a mob\ of the soldier type. So if I wanted\ to show usr (assuming usr is also\ the player, which it often is not!) the\ soldier's attack stat, I would use\ something like this: usr << "The soldier\'s attack is [S.attack]." /* In the example above "S" is a soldier mob, "attack" is the variable, and the "." tells the compiler I am referencing a variable, verb, or proc which belongs to the atom which precedes it. Hope that clears things up a bit.*/ Nevermind, guess I was too late :/ |
Exactly what I did and am trying to do :)
Since your code worked so well to begin with :) OK, thanks for the help I will give it a try. Mark |
I'll try to put it in words as simple as possible.
Pay attention to the variable's scope. (Scope, simply put... uhh, what it's availible to.) If you define a variable under "obj", it can ONLY be used be reference to objects. So if you try to use it in say "client", you'll need to difine the reference as that type. (EX: MyProc(/obj/VarName)) If you define it under "atom", it is like typing it multiple times in "area", "turf", "mob", and "obj". But it will only be accecible to thoes types. ("client", "world", etc. not included) If you do have a variable defined there, you can reference it as an "atom". (EX: MyProc(/atom/VarName)) If you try to access it in a scope that doesn't have that var defines in it, it will return the "undefined var" error. That is the basics. There's a little more to know, but this should answer your question in full. I hope. =] |
I hope that helps, im in school and im tired, so i might've messed up in there some where or not helped at all o.o;;