Hi i am trying to make a some code for users in my game , so that others can summon you and you pick yes or no.

mob/verb/Summon2(mob/M in world)
set category = "Admin"
switch(alert("Do you want to allow [M] to summon you?",,"Yes","No"))
switch(alert("Do you want to allow [M] to summon you?",,"Yes","No"))
M<<"[usr] has summoned you."
M:loc = usr.loc
M:y -= 1
if("No way!")

heres the code but does not work i get Inconsistent indentation. Inconsistent indentation. proc definition not allowed inside another proc
Among the indentation problems, you're also using the : operator indiscriminately. That should be M.loc, not M:loc, and so on. It's always safer to use the dot than the colon.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Just incase you didn't know what your indentation errors were, it was the if("Yes")'s and all the other answers to switch inputs. They should be indented once more!

<Edit after relooking at code>All stuff after the ("yes") should also be indented once more. So you get the question, 1 indent the answer, 1 more indent the affects. Or something like that!</Edit>


<font size = -3>Everything is at ease with Ease...</font>
In response to Ease
thanks guys for your help.