I'm back to making grass.

Here is what I like best:

And here is the process for it if you want view it a bit slower.

And here is me trying to make it better... but making it worse:

ver 1

ver 2
In response to Developous
Thank you. Feedback, anyone?
I put this in my dev log today.

Should I go with ver 1 or ver 2 in your opinion? That is, after editing ver 2 a bit more.

P.S. Ignore the sand. It's horribly made and will be edited later. Just short on time.
Have you given thought to experimenting with saturation? Or maybe changing the between to be a bit more feathered?
In response to Xirre
I like ver 2 better. Ver one looks...bah.
how do you make it so curved and circular inside of the game?

and i wasnt feeling it but when i saw it in your game with its style, it looked really good!
In response to DanteVFenris
DanteVFenris wrote:
how do you make it so curved and circular inside of the game?

and i wasnt feeling it but when i saw it in your game with its style, it looked really good!

Please. Do not follow my slanted tiles. They are trash. lol. I simply erased one side of the image at an angle and rotated/flipped it for different sides. Bad method. But, I was short on time.
In response to Xirre
oh haha okay i was just hoping for some secret way. just mess with it until it fits right i guess is the only way