How do you make Title screens with a pictures instead of the black background
Make a map with the title screen image on it. Set client.eye to the centre of the title screen map. Celebrate. =)
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Make a map with the title screen image on it. Set client.eye to the centre of the title screen map. Celebrate. =)

Don't forget that if he needs to be told how to make a title screen, he may also not know about client.eye

Don't forget to make client.eye=client.mob when you want to return the view to normal.

Hopefully that was an answer before the question was asked. If not, may some unfortunate soul stumble upon this thread and be saved that I might not have wasted forum space.

In response to Loduwijk

so where do you put the coordinates, and I have the title on a seperate map.

does it take place of normal coordinates?
In response to Graient
huh!!!!!!!!!!!! help please~!
In response to Graient
Sorry 'bout that. I shouldn't Mark All As Read so often. =)

Graient wrote:

so where do you put the coordinates, and I have the title on a seperate map.

does it take place of normal coordinates?

I have no idea what you mean by "take place of normal coordinates"... but I'll walk you through it step by step.

Okay, so you've got your title screen. You could just put the player down on the title screen, but then they'd be able to walk around (and see themselves and other players on the title screen). There are ways around that, but a better way is simply to move the client's (player's) "eye" to the title screen, without moving their mob.

If you have a character creation system, this will be a little easier because some of the login-handling work has already been done. In any case, when the player logs in, do something like this (assuming the player is src):

<code>src.loc=null //This moves them to null, the sometimes useful and sometimes annoying empty place of nothingness src.client.eye=locate(10,10,1) //This sets their eye to the title screen. Change the coordinates to wherever your title screen actually is.</code>

Then let your character creation/loading bit run through (or if you don't have one, sleep() for a few seconds or something; it depends what exactly you want to do at the title screen). When you want to make the title screen go away, first set the mob's location to wherever you want it to go. Then you need to set client.eye back to the mob:


(which more or less means the name as <code>client.eye=client.mob</code>)