here's my verb. its to rest, but i can still walk around with rest still on. how do i make it so the user can't move or face any other direction? i tried putting walk(usr,0,0) but it doesn't work. and the Move() proc doesn't work. can any 1 help me?

set category = "Training"
if(usr.FLYING == "true"||usr.MEDITATING == "true")
usr << "You can rest while you are flying or meditating!"
if(usr.FLYING == "false"||usr.MEDITATING =="false")
if(usr.RESTING == "false")
usr << "You started to rest to revitalize your stamina!"
usr.icon_state = "Rest"
usr.RESTING = "true"
usr << "You stopped resting!"
usr.icon_state = ""
usr.RESTING = "false"
What I used to do this is Nadrews movedelay lib. In client where it does the move delay just check to see if theyre resting then set the delay to something like 1000000 they wont move then =)
mob/Move()//when mobs move
if(RESTING=="true" || MEDITATING == "true") return//if resting is true dont move
return..()//other wise move

You can rest while you are flying or meditating

...technically if your meditating your resting.