I have a slight problem with Monsters. I have icons for monsters and code for 'em, but I can't attack 'em!! It says I can't attack NPC's. Here is the code for Saibaman:
powerlevel = 100
maxpowerlevel = 100
dead = 0
icon = 'saiba.dmi'
npp = 0
ko = 0
safe = 0
strength = 5
race = "Saibaman"
state = "Normal"
What is wrong with it?
PS: This coding is not my own. It is Raekwon's. I downloaded the source off BYOND for me to get a feel of the system. I have no intention of publishing this game.
Oct 2 2003, 12:39 pm
Oct 2 2003, 12:41 pm
You need the Wander and spawn because all that is dopin is making a MOB
I don't think that has anything to do with why you can't attack it. Show the attack code.
In response to Camaro
Camaro wrote:
I don't think that has anything to do with why you can't attack it. Show the attack code. This it? proc Attack(mob/M) var/damage = powerlevel M.TakeDamage(src, damage) TakeDamage(mob/attacker, damage) if (istype(src, /mob/other)) usr << "<font color=red>No..." else if(src.npp == 1|null) src.powerlevel += 0 if(src.npp == 0) src.powerlevel -= attacker.strength flick("attack",attacker) src.Die() attacker.powerlevel += rand(0,1) attacker.random = rand(1,3) if(src.powerlevel >= 1) if(attacker.random == 1) view(6) << "<font color = blue>[attacker.name] punches [src] in the face." if(attacker.random == 2) view(6) << "<font color = blue>[attacker.name] kicks [src]." if(attacker.random == 3) view(6) << "<font color = blue>[attacker.name] stumbles and misses [src]." I feel stupid.......... |