i dunno how to. there is no tutorial on how to put names or someunder under or over or on the player. there's only HUD but it is a menu or something.
It is very similar to those hud codes you see. If you can understand what is going on in those hud codes, I suggest you modify one to place the letters as overlays on the player's mob. If you don't understand them, the basic idea behind them is to take a text string as an argument into a map-text proc and run a loop through the characters in that text string. They add a new object to the client's screen variable (the object is usually a type they specify, such as /obj/text) and change its icon_state to the current character in the text string, they also offset the character's position by a certain amount of pixels for each new character.
In response to Loduwijk
I don't know if I get your question right but if your trying to display a name over mobs, theres a demo that does that, I'll try to find it...
Heres one library that might help:
ZDarkGoku wrote:
i dunno how to. there is no tutorial on how to put names or someunder under or over or on the player. there's only HUD but it is a menu or something.

The DmiFonts library will do this for you. With it you can create a font, and build overlays to use for the players' names. There's code in the demo that will do this, or you can study the example in the documentation.

Lummox JR